Monday, July 30, 2012


There was a Frozen Yogurt food truck. I saw it. I loved it. I thought of home. Sadly, I did not get any. Poor me. But seeing it made my day so much better.
And then I got a red Adidas message bag. It is sooo cute and I love it. It makes me really happy.
I got a Swiss Army knife too.
I was a very happy camper today.
Now I have to pack and that kinda sucks. No, it really sucks because I'm leaving and I really want to stay but I want to go back to the States as well.
I want a bagel so bad.
I love bagels. I don't think that you will ever find someone who loves bagels more.
happiness strikes again because there are these really good chocolate bars in Switzerland and I got 50 of them for 12 Francs. They were for 20 but they were on sale.
Very happy Sophie because I mean come on, 50 bars of great chocolate on SALE?!?!
That's really all that happened today because I spent the day with my very chilled grandparents and had a great day.
I'll see you on the other side!! Tongue Tied -- Grouplove

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