In case you don't know, I am half Swiss and I am going back to Switzerland June 30th and I am so totally physicked to go. All of friends are there and I can hike mountains and swim in 20 C water and I am so ready to go and OH MY GOD some one get me there!!
I am ready to be done with school! I am ready to speak Swiss-German for a month. I am doing a climbing camp and I am going to be jumping off bridges and biking and eating cherries and fresh fruit and getting food at the local grocery store and playing street soccer and having so much fun and feeding the ducks and the swans and there are a lot of things I really want to do.
Eating the pastries. Drinking the orange juice -- which by the way, is the bloody best orange juice you will ever drink in you entire life. No kidding.
Oh, I am ready to leave.
I'm not going to do a song today. I have many ideas but....
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